Legerity for Uno Platform is an extension framework to the core Legerity framework. It is designed to be used for writing automated UI tests once for your Uno Platform applications with C#.
Getting Legerity for Uno Platform
To get started, you will need to install the Legerity for Uno Platform NuGet package into your .NET test project. Don't worry about testing frameworks, Legerity is agnostic so you can use it with what you're comfortable with.
# Add the NuGet package to your test project
dotnet add package Legerity.Uno
Setting up a base test class
The next step is setting up your base test class to provide the platform for writing tests against your Uno Platform app.
The example below shows how to do this with the NUnit test framework.
namespace UnoAppTests
using Legerity;
using Legerity.Uno;
using NUnit.Framework;
public abstract class BaseTestClass : UnoTestClass
public const string AndroidApplication = "com.made.myunoapp";
public const string AndroidApplicationActivity = $"{AndroidApplication}.MainActivity";
public const string IOSApplication = "com.made.myunoapp";
public const string WasmApplication = "http://localhost:5000";
public const string WindowsApplication = "com.madeapps.myunoapp_7mzr475ysvhxg!App";
protected BaseTestClass(AppManagerOptions options) : base(options) { }
static IEnumerable<AppManagerOptions> TestPlatformOptions => new List<AppManagerOptions>
new AndroidAppManagerOptions
AppId = AndroidApplication,
AppActivity = AndroidApplicationActivity,
DriverUri = "http://localhost:4723/wd/hub",
LaunchAppiumServer = true
new IOSAppManagerOptions
AppId = IOSApplication,
DeviceName = "iPhone SE (3rd generation) Simulator",
DeviceId = "56755E6F-741B-478F-BB1B-A48E05ACFE8A",
OSVersion = "15.4",
DriverUri = "http://localhost:4723/wd/hub",
LaunchAppiumServer = false
new WebAppManagerOptions(
Url = WasmApplication, ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
new WebAppManagerOptions(
Url = WasmApplication, ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
new WindowsAppManagerOptions(WindowsApplication)
DriverUri = "", LaunchWinAppDriver = true
public override void StartApp()
public override void StopApp()
The base UnoTestClass
is part of the Legerity for Uno Platform package. It is a simple wrapper around the UnoAppManager
for starting and stopping your Uno Platform app based on the provided AppManagerOptions
Using your test class in action
Finally, you'll be able to start writing your cross-platform UI tests.
namespace UnoAppTests
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Legerity;
using Legerity.Android;
using Legerity.Web;
using Legerity.Windows;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Shouldly;
public class HomePageTests : BaseTestClass
public HomePageTests(AppManagerOptions options) : base(options) { }
public void ShouldLoadHomePageContent()
TextBlock content = App.FindElementByAutomationId("HomePageContent");
content.Text.ShouldBe("Hello, Uno Platform!");
Here you're seeing the most efficient way to write tests for your Uno Platform app. You're defining the platforms under test and the tests that will run on them.
Legerity for Uno Platform Test App
An example Uno Platform app showcasing the core controls with UI tests running on Windows, Android, and WebAssembly.